Media Ministries

Our joyful greetings to you all in Christ,
In Mathew 28:19 Jesus gave us a great commission to tell the good news and about the salvation. Committing themselves to this great call our church media team has been working magnificently for the past 25 years, under the leadership of our Sr. Pastor, Rev. R. Robert Singh. Media is one of the most powerful weapon in spreading the word of God. And our church works diligently in it. Media experts joined hands in unity to spread the word of God. Media accomplished it’s job by realising the audio album “Varugaiyin Kaalam” several video albums. T. V ministry is one of the important ministries in media team. Program “Samaathana Neram” was aired in polimer TV on every Sunday in 3 pm, which includes worship, children’s programs and sermon. Many were blessed and turned their hearts toward God. Attributed to the Pendimic, our church services was aired on Jawahar Channel on every Sunday by 11-12:30. Our church media team is active in social platforms, like you tube, Facebook and Twitter. During the time of corona many podcasts of our Sr. Ps were posted and online VBS was conducted. And daily devotion was programmed. And daily Bible study was live Telecasted in our you tube channel and in Facebook page. A special programs for children and youths was also posted in our you tube. And a book penned by our Sr. Ps is yet to release soon. And old audio cassettes is being converted to digital ones, Many people were touched by the word of God through this ministry, many bore testimonies for the glory of His name. Continue to support is in your prayers. Thank you.